How much water do you use?

Why using less water is better for the environment

In Cambridge our water supply comes from underground, under the Gog Magog hills. The same aquifer feeds streams that feed into the River Cam. When the level of water in the aquifer is low, the streams are reduced to a trickle and in summer 2019 some of them dried up completely; this was catastrophic for the animals and fish in the water, plants on the banks, and for birds, insects and other life that feeds on them. Also, low flow in the rivers and streams increases the effect of pollution. To find out more, read the Transition Cambridge pages on water.

The less water we use the better for the environment. How much do you use? Use this tool to estimate your use and see how how you compare with other households in Cambridge. Then see how much you could save, for example by taking shorter showers or installing a dual flush toilet.

Total XX litres/person/day

How many people live in your home?

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Tip: help

Tip: help

How much water do you use per week from the mains not from a water butt?

We assume you only water the garden for half the year.

Tip: help

Your total: XX litres/person/day* Assumptions behind these calculations

How do I compare with other households?

Measuring in litres/person/day, your usage is :

  • X% above the Code for Sustainable Homes level 5 or better (X). Eddington was built to this standard. It uses rainwater harvesting to achieve this. Rainwater can supply toilets and washing machines but should not be used for drinking or personal hygene.
  • X% above the regulations for new developments in Cambridge (X), as estimated by the water calculator, part G of building regulations.(Due to water shortages in the region, Cambridge City Council has included these water efficiency requirements for new developments in the Local Plan (adopted in 2018.)
  • X% above the government's target for 2038 (X) - in the Plan for Water'
  • X% above the average for Cambridge (X)
  • X% above the national average (X) from Discover Water

*Please note this is only an estimate. If you have a water meter you can check how much you use on your bill. These are usually twice a year and report in cubic metres. Your use is XX cubic metres in six months.

Thanks to SoundBible for the sound effects: Woop Woop and 1 Person Cheering.